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Manage IT staat dit jaar internationaal in de kijker met als thema "Digital agenda for local government". Onze Vlaamse ICT Organisatie ontvangt zusterorganisaties uit Amerika, Canada, Nieuw Zeeland, Australië, Nederland, UK en Zweden om samen met een paar Europese projectleiders de diverse werkwijzen binnen lokale overheden te evalueren en te bestuderen. Wij delen dan ook heel graag samen met jullie onze ervaringen en kennis omtrent informatiemanagement, informatieveiligheid en hoe een elektronische overheid in die verschillende landen wordt toegepast.
Samen met de verantwoordelijken van de Vlaamse en federale overheid tonen wij onze plannen rond de digitale agenda in Vlaanderen en België. Naast de overheidsinstellingen van binnen- en buitenland laten we ook de private sector aan het woord over de manier waarop zij de digitale agenda samen met ons kunnen implementeren. Zoveel ervaring werd zelden in een congres samen gebracht!
Daarom kent deze versie van Manage IT twee dagen, een Engelstalige internationale dag op woensdag en een Nederlandstalige op donderdag – de dag waarop onze reeds gekende formule doorgaat. Beide dagen kennen een totaal verschillende invalshoek en brengen de meest hedendaagse en interessante topics naar voor omtrent digital agenda voor lokale besturen.
Kom samen met ons kennis en ervaring opdoen met een internationaal karakter!
Eddy Van der Stock
Voorzitter Vlaamse ICT Organisatie
Manage IT is gericht op het management. Naast uiteraard onze leden en de Vlaamse overheid richt Manage IT zich vooral op ICT-managers, secretarissen, ontvangers, schepenen, burgemeesters en overige bestuurders. Dat is ook logisch, zowel de informatiemanager, gemeentesecretaris als de bestuurder is – naast de “klassieke IT’er” - (mee) verantwoordelijk voor de bedrijfsvoering van zijn organisatie. Steeds meer partners (ketens) zijn er bovendien nodig om de juiste dienstverlening volgens de vastgestelde kwaliteitsnormen te realiseren. (deelnemen als partner)
Hilton Antwerpen
Groenplaats 32
B-2000 Antwerpen
09:00 - 10:00 | Registration and exhibition |
10:00 - 10:15 | Welcome by Eddy Van der Stock - Voorzitter Vlaamse ICT Organisatie (V-ICT-OR vzw) - Voorzitter Linked Organisation of Local Authorities (LOLA npo) |
10:15 - 10:45 | Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal by Kris Snijkers, Adjunct-kabinetschef cel Binnenlands Bestuur kabinet minister Homans |
10:45 - 11:15 |
eGovernment in the Digital Single Market Strategy |
11:15 - 11:45 | Coffee, break and exhibition |
11:45 - 12:05 |
Digital Flanders by Luc Lathouwers (AIV) |
12:05 - 12:25 |
Digital Belgium - CSAM - Simplifying (Access to) e-Government in a Complex Country For many years now, Belgian government authorities have increasingly been offering online services to citizens and organizations. The "e-loket" online office windows of municipal councils, the Tax-on-Web and InterVat systems, through which a business can transfer VAT data online, are prime and well-known examples. e-Government offers many advantages, on condition that users' identities are verified, thus ensuring that only the appropriate person gains access to the application used by a given organization. In Belgium, we have various different types of governments, each providing its own set of services. There is the government at the federal level, as well as ones for the provinces, communities and regions, along with local or municipal councils. If each government agency provides its own way of controlling access to its applications, things can get complicated and confusing for users. This creates the need for a standardized solution for access to the online applications of all these agencies. This solution is called CSAM. by Henk Yde, Fedict |
12:25 - 12:45 |
Digital Municipalities - OSLO and CORE vocabularies Standardisation is the buzz word we use to get lots of data connected. In Flanders we started this difficult process of standardisation at the bottom, where it happens, the municipalities. But also the model will be adopted now by the Flanders government and is used as an example in Europe. By Johan Van der Waal - V-ICT-OR |
12:45 - 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Put Your City on the Map! OpenTransportNet is a European project designed to revolutionise the way transport related services are created across Europe. By bringing together open geo-spatial data within City Data Hubs and enabling it to be viewed in new easy to understand ways, OpenTransportNet will enable Public Sector users to gain insights from linking and visualising different data sets and be able to make better public service decisions based on the findings. The Flemish Region and the City of Antwerp are partners in this project and will show the first results. by Geert Mareels, Flemish Government |
14:30 - 15:15 |
Core vocabularies and their role in promoting semantic interoperability. The European Commission Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administration (ISA) Programme is developing specifications to describe fundamental information entities like person, business, service and location. The approach taken, the current results and the future directions for this work will be presented and discussed with the participants of the conference. by Dr. Vassilios Peristeras, European Commission, DG DIGIT, ISA unit |
15:15 - 15:45 | Coffee break |
15:45 - 16:15 |
Digital Flanders |
16:15 - 16:45 |
Digital City - Public organizations and startups: innovate together, building a city platform together In May 2014, the city of Antwerp launched A-stad: a digital platform where the user plays a central role, and where services are offered via apps. The same platform is used for the internal portal for the employees of the city: they log in with their employee-profile, and get access to completely other functionalities than a citizen or a visitor. Also other local public organizations (such as the local police organization or the public center for social welfare) are building their own platform following the same principles. Of course each platform has its own identity, and is orientated towards a specific target group. But very quickly it became clear that there were plenty of common needs and wishes. This was the rationale behind the concept of an Antwerp City Platform as a Service (ACPaaS). ACPaaS collects and unlocks technical generic components that are needed for multiple applications on multiple platforms. In that way, it is prevented that the same functionality is built over and over again. For the creation of this innovative platform, Digipolis Antwerp co-operates with starters and startups. To this end, a number of new, fast and lean procurement procedures have been introduced, within the legal boundaries of public procurement. The first series of procurements for ACPaaS components have been launched and allocated. The procurement procedures permit to develop innovative products, to import innovation in the Digipolis organization, and to professionalize specific events for starters or startups, such as hackatons and Apps for Cities. The cooperation is a win-win. Starters and startups can appeal to the expertise and experience of an established organization. Digipolis Antwerp acquires the typical qualities of young entrepreneurs: dynamic, speedy, flexible, goal directed. by Ann Fournier and Nico Uzelac |
18:00 - 19:00 | Reception @ Antwerp City hall (VIP invitation) |
19:15 - 20:15 |
Nocturne "Menno is an expert on digital leadership and has a good sense of humor which makes his presentations very entertaining." - Dennis Agusi, Global Internal Communications Manager, Philips Menno Lanting has embarked on a journey to discover what the future holds for innovation, organizations and work. He engaged in discussions with a hundred inspiring professionals and entrepreneurs all over the world. And Lanting has succeeded in distilling many practical tips and useful insights from their cases and experiences. Now you, too, can learn the tricks of the trade from such diverse and important organizations as Airbnb, Audi, NASA, Netflix, Philips and the WWF. “Speedboats are proactive, agile, look outside themselves, connected to a network, bring added value to the customer, citizen or co-worker, and never stop learning. This is in stark contrast to professionals and organizations who remain firmly anchored in the age of industry, they are the oil tankers,” I told a group of HR-directors. On the periphery of my vision, I could see one of the directors becoming more agitated by the second, wringing her napkin to virtual shreds. Finally she burst out: “But Menno, I do notice speedboats like that within my organization, but in reality most of them are in the process of leaving our company! What am I supposed to do with the huge grey mass of leftovers, who are sluggish to the end and cling to the unions and the works council in resistance?” The ensuing silence was deafening. ‘Menno has a gift for providing you with an absolute fountain of fresh insights which will produce an outburst of enthusiasm inside your mind.’ - Marc de Vries, Country Manager Twitter Benelux |
20:15 |
Delegates dinner pensant
09:00 - 10:00 | Registration and exhibition | ||
10:00 - 10:10 |
Welcome By Eddy Van der Stock, Voorzitter V-ICT-OR vzw, President LOLA npo |
10:10 - 10:30 |
BELTUG - INTUG By Danielle Jacobs, General Manager BELTUG / INTUG |
10:30 - 11:15 | Discussion table To create a digital agenda, you need leadership on every level of government |
11:15 - 11:45 | Coffee break and exhibition | ||
11:45 | Flanders and the world - part I | ||
11:45 - 12:30 |
Parallel I - Best Practices in UK, Sweden and the Netherlands September 2015 marked the launch of Socitm’s ‘Women in IT’ initiative. The purpose of the initiative is, firstly, to showcase the incredible work and experience of some of the most senior women engaged in information technology/digital in the country, emphasising the importance of promoting and securing women in the profession. Secondly, the initiative will promote conversations, support, mentoring and research to equip women and the sector to take advantage of the benefit and value that workforce diversification brings. The session will also cover briefly Socitm’s priority work on public services re-design and digital transformation, health and social care integration and open systems. By Nadira Hussain, Socitm President and Customer Services Transformation Manager - London Borough of Tower Hamlets
and Martin Ferguson, Director of Policy & Research, Socitm Best Practices in Sweden By Kommits Digital Agenda 2020 The Digital Agenda in the Netherlands is an innovative program for local Government.
Transparent and efficient work. Work as one Government. Standardise where possible and provide local customisation where necessary. Those are the three ambitions of the Digital Agenda 2020.
By Arend van Beek, VIAG |
Parallel II - Het programma Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal: stand van zaken Met het programma Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal wil de Vlaamse overheid zich transformeren naar een informatiegedreven overheid die ‘data natives’ op een gebruikersgerichte manier weet te bedienen. De Vlaamse overheid licht de komende plannen toe rond Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal. De uitrol gebeurt aan de hand van sleutelprojecten, waaronder ook het samenwerkingsproject van Informatie Vlaanderen, met VVSG en V-ICT-OR. Via Vlaanderen Connect. wordt ook in versterking van het strategische ICT-personeel wordt voorzien. Sprekers: Marijke Verhavert, Barbara Van den Haute, Henk Smets |
Parallel III - Partnerslot Door Atos |
12:30 -13:30 | Lunch | ||
13:30 | Flanders and the world - part II | ||
13:30 - 14:30 |
Parallel I - Best Practices in New Zealand, Canada, USA and Australia Identity Management by MISA A common approach to knwoing who is on the other end of the computer for all levels of government and private sector in Canada. When delivering more secure services online, such as passport or driver's license renewal, how do you ensure you are delivering them to the right person? by Harry Turnbull - international director MISA Canada |
Parallel II - Het stelsel van basisregistraties in Vlaanderen
Het Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen zet in op de ontwikkeling van een stelsel van kwalitatieve basisregisters. Deze basisregistraties vormen een stelsel van onderling verbonden authentieke informatiebronnen, die het mogelijk maken dat overheden in Vlaanderen gegevens vlot kunnen combineren. Zes referentieobjecten treden hierbij steeds op de voorgrond: personen, ondernemingen, percelen, gebouwen, adressen en de kaart. Vanuit het programma Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal wordt met het gebouwenregister een belangrijke eerste stap gezet. Vanuit het project VlaVirGem zet het Agentschap Informatie Vlaanderen samen met V-ICT-OR en VVSG in op een dialoog met- en ondersteuning van lokale besturen. Spreker: Bjorn De Vidts |
Parallel III - Partnerslot |
14:30 - 15:00 | Coffee | ||
15:00 | Flanders and the world - part III | ||
15:00 - 15:45 | Parallel I - Workshop "Creating an international core data model with all LOLA members and ISA" By ISA |
Parallel II - De generieke bouwstenen voor Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal: stand van zaken Sprekers: Marijke Verhavert, Barbara Van den Haute, Hans Arents |
Parallel III - Partnerslot | |||
15:45 - 16:00 | Room switch | ||
16:00 | Flanders and the world - part IV | ||
16:00 - 16:45 | Parallel I - Workshop "Creating an international core data model with all LOLA members and ISA" |
Parallel II - Vlaanderen Radicaal Digitaal
Parallel III - Partnerslot
17:00 | Receptie | ||
19:00 |
Theaterdiner met gastoptreden van Gili. Afterparty met Pick Up The Pieces. |
Congresdeelname | Lid V-ICT-OR |
Bedrijfslid Non profit |
Profit |
Woensdag 18 November | € 95,00 | € 150,00 | € 300,00 |
Dinner 18 November | € 95,00 | € 150,00 | € 300,00 |
Donderdag 19 November | € 115,00 | € 180,00 | € 360,00 |
Theaterdiner 19 November | € 95,00 | € 150,00 | € 300,00 |
Manage IT - Leden