De jaarlijkse hoogmis waar de visie en strategie van de lokale besturen wordt uitgezet. Een dag vol straffe keynote sprekers, veel netwerkmomenten en een feestelijk diner als afsluiter.
WELKOM op woensdag 11/12/2024. De internationale congresdag in samenwerking met LOLA Organisatie.
2024 thema = "The Digital Renaissance of Flemish and European Cities: from Medieval Markets to City Platforms. A Tale of Transformation that Shaped Past and Future Digital Hubs"
Op woensdag 11 december verwelkomen we u graag voor een inspirerende internationale congresdag, georganiseerd in samenwerking met de LOLA organisatie (Linked Organisation of Local Authorities). Deze dag staat volledig in het teken van mondiale inzichten en best practices uit de stedelijke digitale transformatie.
Programma in een notendop:
Tijdens deze congresdag zullen Vlaamse steden en de regionale overheid Vlaanderen hun vooruitstrevende initiatieven presenteren, naast bijdragen van internationale experts en vertegenwoordigers uit landen zoals de Verenigde Staten, Nieuw-Zeeland, Canada, Australië, Zweden, Nederland, en het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
De voertaal van deze dag is Engels, zodat we samen met onze wereldwijde partners kunnen leren en groeien. Dit is dé gelegenheid om waardevolle internationale contacten te leggen en geïnspireerd te raken door innovatieve voorbeelden van over de hele wereld.
Zorg dat u erbij bent!
đż Bekijk hier de sfeerbeelden van onze laatste ManageIT editie in Hilton Antwerpen.
BEZOEKERS tarieven.
DAG PROGRAMMA (09u00 > 17u00)
• Effectief Lid V-ICT-OR (en Vlaamse overheid) € 150
• een 'effectief lid V-ICT-OR' (= lokale besturen) die ook donderdag 12/12 betalend aanwezig is, kan via een speciale kortingscode geheel GRATIS aan deze woensdag 11/12 deelnemen. Hou wel rekening met annulatievoorwaarden en een € 150 'no-show' fee indien je niet aanwezig bent. Nog geen code ontvangen via email op 12/11 om 14u? Vraag er gerust naar op .
• Non-profit € 250
• Bedrijfslid € 250
• Standaard € 450
Tarieven voor het dag programma, zijn exclusief BTW voor niet-leden, en vrijgesteld van BTW voor effectieve leden.
KLIK HIER naar de eventpagina van ManageIT donderdag 12/12/2024.
WELKOM - ontvangst
koffie en koekjes ... op de beursvloer
PLENAIR - 1 - opening keynote V-ICT-OR
Eddy Van der Stock | CEO en voorzitter | V-ICT-OR
PLENAIR - 2 - keynote - Streamlining Processes in Smart Societies by Putting Citizens in Control of Their Personal Data.
Raf Buyle | Innovation Lead at athumi | Flemish government
Public and private partners typically store large amounts of personal information on their citizens, such as in the context of preventive health, media and human resources. Multiple copies often exist because the different actors store personal data in their information systems, raising concerns regarding data consistency, privacy, and access control. To solve these problems and give citizens true control over their data, we use the decentralised Solid ecosystem, which enables citizens to maintain their data in personal data pods and use it to make their lives easier, healthier, and more economical. We have applied this approach to high-impact use cases, where citizen information is stored in personal data pods, and public and private organisations are selectively granted access.
PLENAIR - 3 - keynote - City of Antwerp, from Cyber Attack to Cyber Fortress
Youri Segers | CEO | Digipolis Antwerpen
On December 6, 2022, the City of Antwerp fell victim to a large-scale cyber attack. This event has opened the eyes of many public players to the importance of taking cybersecurity seriously. The City of Antwerp quickly decided to use the cyber attack as an opportunity to completely change course and evolve into a cyber-secure municipality. But how did it come to this, what have we learned from it, and how do we now establish this cyber fortress? You will find out in this presentation.
PLENAIR - 4 - keynote - Shaping the Future: Ghent's Proactive Digital Transformation
Stefan De Smet | CEO | District09
Join us at the LOLA Conference on December 11th, 2024, to hear Stefan De Smet, CEO of District09, share Ghent's inspiring journey in digital transformation. Discover how proactive, citizen-centric services are revolutionizing urban governance and setting new standards for digital cities. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a city that is leading the way in digital innovation. Register now to be part of this transformative experience!
PLENAIR - 5 - keynote - Empowering the region: How a major city can drive digital innovation for the surrounding municipalities
Geert Sinnaeve | Director ICT Shared Services | Groep Roeselare
Learn how a central city can drive digital transformation for surrounding local governments, serving as a hub of technological innovation and digital infrastructure. This session will discuss the challenge for a central city to support regional municipalities in streamlining services, enhancing data-driven decision-making, and building a cohesive digital ecosystem that benefits the entire region.
generous sandwich lunch ... on the trade fair floor
PLENAIR - 6 - keynote - AI at the Heart of Digital Government in Flanders: Seizing Opportunities, Managing Risks
Hans Arents | senior advisor digital government | Flemish government
We explore how AI will transform the core of digital government in Flanders, creating opportunities for smarter, more responsive public services. We discuss how AI can streamline everything from government operations to citizen interactions, driving both efficiency and innovation. We also examine the crucial need to manage risksâsuch as data privacy and ethical decision-makingâand outline our approach to ensure AI adoption results in a trustworthy digital government. Expect to leave with a clear vision of how the Flemish government plans to integrate AI at the heart of its digital transformation.
PLENAIR - 7 - keynote - The business perspective.
Danielle Jacobs | CEO | Beltug
Drawing from daily interactions with CIOs and ICT decision-makers in both corporate and public sectors, Danielle will address their key priorities and concerns. As digital technology decisions transcend the IT department, questions arise about managementâs role. The rapid advancement of cloud computing and AI has brought forth critical issues around data governance, security, and regulatory compliance. Danielle will explore pressing concerns such as digital sovereignty, data-sharing challenges, and the reliance on hyperscalers.
PLENAIR - 8 - keynote - Decide Better: Open and Interoperable Local Digital Twins
Lieven Raes | senior advisor Flanders Digital | Flemish government
Since its inception, the âdigital twinâ idea has evolved from an industry concept to having broader applicability
in domains ranging from the human body to cities and regions.
LDTs refer to the concept of digital replicas or simulations of a specific geographical area, such as a city, urban region, or local community.
This presentation provides a sneak preview of a new integrative work resembling practical terrain insights about the new concept of Local Digital Twins. It will offer you a fresh perspective on digital replicas of cities, urban areas, and regions, aiming to articulate the significance of a digital twin approach for evidence-based decision-making at local and supralocal levels whilst at the same time upholding values such as interoperability, connectivity, accessibility, trust, privacy, and security. Introducing the novel concept of the LDT, it aims to disseminate insights to decisionmakers, domain specialists, system designers, ICT architects, and governance experts.
annual general meeting (LOLA)
Prijzen zijn exclusief BTW voor niet-leden, en vrijgesteld van BTW voor effectieve leden.
Nog geen lid? Lid worden kan vanaf 35 EUR!
Prijsgroep | Prijs |
Effectief Lid V-ICT-OR | € 150 |
Effectief Lid V-ICT-OR (groepsabonnement) | € 150 |
Non-profit | € 250 |
Bedrijfslid | € 250 |
Standaard | € 450 |